Running: 300 miles: To date: 14.45 miles (no change)
Biking: 500 miles: To date: 0 miles (rain)
Swimming: 50 miles: To date: 3.34 miles (no change)
Walking: 150 miles: To date: 13.61 miles
Weights/ yoga: 30 minutes a week (1560 this year): 166 minutes (2 short workouts this week)
2. Grocery bill: Keep it under $7000 ($134.62/wk): $480.97 ( 10 year old is in a growth spurt. ~160/wk so far)
3. Weight: maintain or lose up to 5 lb: scale said 138. My preferred range is <141 lb.="" nbsp="" span="" weet="">
4. Family:
Go on 12 family hikes: Zippo. Nada.
Do game night once a week: Uno and Candyland this week.
5. Crafts:
- Crochet a blanket (a "thermometer" granny square blanket, based on the temperature each day): More yellow! And solid blank. I'll let you noodle that one. Today was so cold (under 40) I get to use purple. I am running out of blue-green (51-60F). I had to buy a slightly different blue-green because Michael's was out. Oh well, it's going to be scrappy!
- crochet a purse: nothing
- finish a quilting baby blanket: done
- participate in my quilting group's exchange: nothing
- make 12 snowflakes: nothing
- attempt to make socks: I've pinned a bunch of instructions?
6. Sleep: keep track of it and see if the low dose estrogen helps: Not great sleep this week because I was sleeping on the couch (see sick husband).
7. Food: eat vegan 2 days a week: Monday and Weds. I did okay but dinner had some cream / cheese because it was an ingredient in the prepared food. Progress not perfection. Salads, stews, beans and rice, vegan muffins.
8. Cookbooks: Try 1 recipe from every cookbook I own:
This week: Hm. I think I made a new recipe? But I don't remember? My husband made lasagna from The Betty Crocker Cookbook though. I really should start the blog update as I go each week.
9. Work:
a. Skills: Learn enough programming to automate the data pulls for problem lots (which requires pulling data from 2 different databases). Haven't worked on this yet.
b. Personal: Don't engage. Really. Did okay here.
10. Home: Contact contractor/ architect on adding a second bathroom.Nothing
11. Garden: actually plant tomatoes this year. Baby steps. Nothing
Ooh, need to add: put some ground cover in the back dirt patch
12. Spouse: once a month lunch date: nothing. He was sick and I was doing triple duty (work/ kid/ household)
13. Beverages:
- Drink less coffee and more tea (one cup coffee per day): This was a rough week.
- Do not buy any wine aside from my two wine club memberships: Nothing
- Drink two 24-oz bottles of water a day, minimum. My doc thinks that my occasional light-headedness when exercising is a combo between low blood pressure + slight dehydration.
Mmm...probably did okay for half the week. I need to take my 24 oz water bottle to work with me.
14. Mom's nights/ dad's night once a month: Saturday, mom's night whee!
15. Host friends. We hosted last Sunday before everyone got sick.