
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

COVID-19 Days 3 and 4

Day 3

Wake up at 4:19.  Husband snoring.  Go pee and to couch.  Fall back asleep.
Wake up at 6:10.  Workout from 6:20 to 7 am.  Beachbody LIIFT4 Chest and Triceps week1 (ow) 50% weights, 50% HIIT
Shower, make breakfast (eggs, bread, bananas, cereal, tea)
Start "the schedule".  Electronics, academics (they both read for an hour!), exercise (teenager napped), art/crafts (they did not do this, and this is when I heard how awful I am).
Hear (twice) how I'm ruining my teenager's life because being home with me is BORING compared to school.  Yay me.
Work during the schedule
Make lunch (salad/ ramen/ hardboiled eggs), eat lunch, do dishes.  Play a board game (family feud).  Husband comes home.
Escape to work.  Stop at sprouts on way in.  No milk.  I think this is a theme.  At least I bought flour last time I went out.  Apparently, it's hard to find now.
Work for a few hours.
Come home, get a call from husband on the way.  No bueno.  See: dog.
See a rainbow on the way home.
Drink wine, eat lentil soup, rice, and kale chips.
Our dog (we adopted her in November, she's elderly) has a hernia.  It was bothering her today, and it was hard.  So he left to take her to the vet.  Did I mention that her surgery to correct said hernia is WEDNESDAY, a day and a half from now.
Cut more fabric for this quilt along.  Yell at kids.  Tell big kid to drink his fucking water.

Day 4 (Tuesday, I think?)

Wake up in the middle of night.  Husband snoring.  Go to couch.  Get up at 5:30 am.
Look out, not raining!  Get dressed, drive to track for Track Tuesday.  Track is closed due to COVID-19 (obv).  Park at beach.  See, good thing I expected it, brought my Noxgear light up vest.  Tried to program my Garmin, won't connect to phone.  Also, glad I bought those leggings at Costco "you don't need new leggings Marcia!", but they have POCKETS.
Start my workout (15 min easy, 5x200m repeats with 200m recovery, 15 min easy)
It starts to sprinkle.  I run my 15 minutes
I mark out a 200m section for my repeats.  By then it is pouring and I'm 15 minutes from my car.
Do 4 repeats.  Do the 5th on the way back to the car. 
Did not do my 15 min "easy" cool down.  I was running hard.  I was soaked.  I had to stop every 2 minutes to wipe my glasses.
Eat breakfast (eggs, toast).
Attempt to work.
Today, little one read for 1.5 hours, finished his book (3rd in Percy Jackson series).
Big one read 1/2 hour and watched a nature show.
I field several calls from the Vet (dog surgery went fine) and Marriott (NO I DON'T WANT A FREE STAY)
Big kid did 15 minute walking workout on Youtube, little one slept.
We played some family feud.
Lunch: mac and cheese and broccoli.  Salad.  I also had tuna salad and potato salad.
Work some  more.  My back and neck are killing me.  I need a better ergonomic setup for home.
Go for walk with kids and hubs to the park, play two square.  Explain to little one that no, he cannot play on playground with his friend: social distancing.
Come home, call into conference call.
Husband gets kids to help clean.
Dinner: favorite chicken (fingers) for boys, roast Indian potatoes and cauliflower.  Bean burritos and tacos for parents.
Watch movie.
Read that school is probably going to be out until FALL
Drink wine
Eat brownie and ice cream
Discuss getting a better office chair with husband
Go to bed.

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