
Sunday, October 8, 2017

No wheat = 8 pounds

So, I gave up wheat in July.  Well, I started to give up wheat in July.  Honestly, it was a bit of a tough journey.  Because: I love bread.

But I was having some health issues and I traced them to (possibly) pizza, and I don't want it to be cheese.

Over the space of July I gradually decreased my wheat intake.  I had a few slips.  On vacation, my friends said "well, you will probably have to give it a few months to see if it really helps."  Which, yuck.  I was hoping for 2-3 weeks?

Anyway, I dedicated myself to it, with a caveat...I didn't read too many labels (I'm looking at you, Costco meatballs) for the first bit.  And...I felt better.  Very gradually, so the "wait a few months" was a good suggestion.

I happened to give up wheat at the same time I started training for my Pier to Peak uphill half marathon.  So, I started to lose weight.  I didn't actually notice - I don't get on the scale often.  But a neighbor said something and I shrugged.  Then my officemate said something and I said "hmm".  Got on the scale, and I'd lost 4-5 pounds.  Hey hey hey, that's why I needed that belt.  This happened in about 6-7 weeks, so mid-August or thereabouts.

Fast forward to the race (which sucked, of course) and then the next month.  When I had this goal to maintain my 3x a week running, and at least 6-8 miles for my long run.  It didn't happen.  In the first month I only ran 4 times, once a week, on a weekend.  The "big" run was a 10k the week after the half.  The other runs were 4.5 miles or less.

On a whim I got on the scale and it's dropped more!  I made a comment on FB about the 8 lb loss.  Of course, this results in the resident expert on my health, fitness, and body mansplaining to me (at work, no less) that of course it's the running.  Nevermind that I actually live in this body, and have for 47 years, and track myself pretty well - my exercise, and food, etc.  Anyway, with the eventual "half the weight loss was after the race, and no I'm not training anymore" he sort of shut up.  He's just lucky I didn't have PMS that week.

(Seriously, what is up with that?  I was so effing cranky and sarcastic at work this week, that I think I scared the "new guy" who has been there 9 months.  I told him I think I have PMS.  Turns out, I was right.)

Anyway, I'd like to try and reintroduce wheat/ gluten.  The first attempt did not go well.  Same issues.  This weekend, I ate those Costco meatballs, same issue.  And I had a beer.  Boy, that was a mistake.  I guess I'm going to give it a longer bit of time before I try again.  And I bought some ingredients to attempt gluten-free baking (like Xanthan gum).  I was holding off on that, hoping it was temporary.

So if you have gluten free recipes, hit me with them!  Now what to do with a half a bottle of soy sauce in my fridge.  Kids will eat the meatballs no problem.

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