
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

2017 Goals - Week 9

1. Exercise: as of Saturday 3/4/17 

Running: 300 miles: To date: 33.15 miles  (4.1 miles in pouring rain today)
Biking: 500 miles: To date: 19.4 miles 
Swimming: 50 miles: To date: 6.74 miles 
Walking: 150 miles: To date: 37.89 miles
Weights/ yoga: 30 minutes a week (1560 this year): 353 minutes 

2. Grocery bill: Keep it under $7000 ($134.62/wk)$127.23.  My produce box was missing 2 baskets of strawberries!  First ones of the season.  They said they'll give them to me next week.  I was really looking forward to them! 😪

3.  Weight: 139

4.  Family:
Go on 12 family hikes: fail. fail. fail.
Do game night once a week: More like daytime games on weekends.

5.  Crafts:
- Crochet a blanket - working on it

- crochet a purse: nothing
- participate in my quilting group's exchange: nothing.  I don't even remember what this is.
- make 12 snowflakes: nothing
- attempt to make socks: I've pinned a bunch of instructions?  Right now we are cleaning out closets - never did dig through stuff after Christmas. Donating stuff to the elementary school rummage sale.  Not our school, but a different one.

6.  Sleep: Meh, okay this week.

7.  Food: eat vegan 2 days a week. I'm not sure when or if I'm going to jump back on this train.

8.  Cookbooks: Try 1 recipe from every cookbook I own.  Ditto.  See #7.  Did make some blood orange/ lemon muffins that we improvised on.

9.  Work:
     a. Skills: Learn enough programming to automate the data pulls for problem lots (which requires pulling data from 2 different databases).  Haven't worked on this yet.  REALLY need to.
     b. Personal:  Don't engage.  Really.  

10.  Home: Contact contractor/ architect on adding a second bathroom.Nothing. But we did talk to the plumber about (finally) replacing the sewer line.  Nothing like $8k bill!  Haven't gotten the written estimate.  

On top of that, our car just got crunched pulling out of the driveway today.  Same thing happened EXACTLY 8 years ago.  A row of 3 big-ass SUVs parked in front of our house, blocking view of oncoming traffic.  Here's to hoping it's not totaled.  The car is 8 years old with only 60k miles on it.  It needs to live another decade.  It's a honda!

11.  Garden: actually plant tomatoes this year.  Baby steps. Nothing
Ooh, need to add: put some ground cover in the back dirt patch.  Now we are discussing hiring a landscaper to do the work.  Friend in the neighborhood.

12.  Spouse: once a month lunch date: nothing.  We need a date.  We will at least get one at the school fundraiser this coming weekend.

13.  Beverages:
- Drink less coffee and more tea (one cup coffee per day): Okay on this one.
- Do not buy any wine aside from my two wine club memberships.  I don't even drink that much anymore, but I did open a bottle Friday night. Something about having to drag my 4 year old out of preschool - carried him screaming and kicking to the car.  (He wanted daddy.)

- Drink two 24-oz bottles of water a day, minimum.  I managed this a couple of days.  I do best when I just fill my big bottle twice.

14.  Mom's nights/ dad's night once a month: Jan, check.  Feb, fail.

15.  Host friends.  Jan, check.  Feb, fail.

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