
Sunday, September 1, 2013

A frugal fun afternoon

So, I must admit - it's kinda easy to have a fun, frugal afternoon when you live at the beach.  I mean, really.  Even so, we manage to spend money too easily more often than I'd like to admit.  Usually on food, because we were either not prepared (were out too long), or were too lazy to pack food.  I mean, when I pack up the family - husband, 2 kids, beach towels, umbrella, toys...boy, food is last on my list AND increases the requirement to 2 trips from the car.

But today, I went for the packing the food (and the 2 trips)!  The total cost for today: $1.49 for a bag of ice (most of which is now in the freezer for later) plus gas (probably $2).  And whatever sunscreen we used.  We spent a few hours at the beach.

Here's what I packed:
turkey and salami sandwiches/ wraps
carrots, celery, peppers, radishes and homemade hummus
applesauce (for the baby)
string cheese

Here's what we did:
boogie boarded (daddy and kid, I didn't even have my suit on.  I regretted this, it was a beautiful day).
built sand castles
played in the sand/shade

Here's what we DIDN'T do:
Go to the grill down the street for lunch.  It is delicious there.  But it would have been $30 for lunch for the 3.5 of us.
Go to a beach where you have to pay to park
Pay for a movie
Go shopping

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