
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Flavors of Winter

I happened to be shopping at the Farmer's market on Saturday, looking for avocados.  I only had twenty bucks.  I happened to spend all $20 on other things that took my fancy (including avocados).

The first thing I got a gander at was kabocha squash, marked down to $1/lb.  Man, this stuff is so good.  The same stall had these beautiful heads of delicate lettuce, so I snagged one of those.  And some pistachios made their way into my bag too.  But they were up a buck from last week.  Ouch.

I've really been trying to up the produce intake lately.  I generally eat a lot already.  But it's cold and flu season, so I figure that more veggies will help with keeping the immune system strong.  Alas, I caught the cold my husband had, so it's my third of the season.  There are several folks out at work with the flu, so here's to hoping I don't get that.  The whole family has gotten the flu shot, but the baby only got his less than a week ago, and it takes 2 weeks to take effect.  I'm a little bit paranoid about the flu, mostly because some people are stupid and they go to work sick.  But I digress...

A taste of what we've been eating this week:

Kabocha squash, roasted

Sauteed green beans (originally frozen) and mushrooms in a garlic-soy glaze.

Here's the squash alongside chicken, potato, and pea curry.  So I discovered this red curry sauce from Trader Joe's...yum!

Roasted red potatoes.

I also roasted the red potatoes last night with broccoli and carrots.  Today I was home sick (but working).  My husband came home early to take a nap.  Because he was home, I was able to cook dinner (or we'd have been SOL!)  I made skillet pasta (except I don't have the right kind of skillet anymore, so I use my dutch oven) and a salad.  We now have enough pasta for dinner for the next two nights - score!


  1. There would be many fewer cases of flu if people just STAYED HOME when they were sick! Seriously!

    Yay for kabocha! It's so hard to find around here lately and I miss it!

  2. I can only find kobacha in our Asian grocery store, that's a 45 minute drive - its good though!

    Enjoy your sunny warm weather!!

  3. My company just went from sick time to PTO, so you KNOW more people are going to be working sick!!
