
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Frittata and Sesame Noodles

This weekend was an exercise in prepping for the week.  In order to fill up my fridge with vegetables, I went with an old favorite Tri County Produce.  I haven't been there in awhile, but I walked a few miles on Saturday with friends and was in the area.  And they  have coupons.  I have never used a coupon there, because their prices are so reasonable it's VERY hard to spend the amount needed to get the coupon, unless you are buying meat and wine.  And I don't buy much of either.  I managed to spend enough to get 5 free ears of corn.  They were HUGE and very sweet too.  Not local, but good.

I picked up some discount bananas and tomatoes too.  I lost a couple of tomatoes (went bad before I could  use them) and the bananas are destined for banana bread.  I MEANT to make chocolate covered frozen bananas, but haven't had the energy.

Saturday night was pizza night (with corn and salad).  I made the dough in the bread machine and par-baked it.  That's always good for one more meal too.  At least for now.  I can foresee the day when both pizzas will be gone in one night. 

Sunday was the prep day.  I made a veggie frittata for lunches this week.

Bread crumbs
eggs and milk

Monday night was our 2nd pizza night, and also the night of my quilting group meeting.  We did a potluck.  I happened to find this recipe on one of the blogs I read, and it seemed perfect.  So I made that on Sunday too.  Our quilting potlucks are hilarious.  The last one (last month) had half desserts.  This one - not a single bite of chocolate, but a lot of carbs.  2 loaves of bread, 2 people brought crackers and cheese, I brought the sesame noodles.  Then two people brought fruit, but they BOTH brought green grapes and red cherries.  Hilarious.  Plus carrot soup and a vegetable dish.

My version of the sesame noodles had cooked broccoli and raw julienned summer squash instead of green onion, because one of my quilting friends is allergic to onion.  Also, a couple don't do gluten, so maybe next time I'll use rice noodles instead of pasta and tamari instead of soy sauce.  They were very tasty, but if I were making them for just myself?  I'd probably use some sriracha.

Up for the rest of the week: a stir-fry with kohlrabi, peppers, and broccoli and some teriyaki meatballs from Costco.  Probably a skillet pasta dish with canned salmon - maybe a creamy mushroom sauce.  I bought mushrooms.  I can make a cream sauce.  Should be doable if I have the energy.

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