
Monday, October 3, 2011

It's clean out the freezer week

I am feeling overwhelmed with life in general, and the inability to find stuff in the freezer is a big part of that.  I wonder how long I could eat without shopping?  I didn't make it to the farmer's market this weekend (elected to walk with my friends instead).
So what's on the menu from the freezer?
Sunday, we grilled up the last two chicken breasts, and used them for burritos and salads.  We also grilled some sausage...

which will be served with leftover pasta from the freezer.  I put that in there...probably before our last vacation, which would be ... June?  Don't judge.  I mean, it was frozen solid, so it's probably okay.  Maybe not terribly tasty but...

I also defrosted homemade refried beans (see the burrito part, above).  And a few tortillas for the boys.

I also made  homemade no-knead rye bread, and will be serving that with homemade leftover caponata, from the freezer.

I did add to the freezer this weekend - I made chicken stock from last week's chicken.  I also roasted a bunch of red peppers and a couple of poblanos, and put them in the freezer too. step forward, two steps back.

Other things I'd really like to get taken care of:
make bread crumbs from the bread heels
make something with all those frozen bananas
make beef stock from that steak bone I've got in there
use up more of the frozen vegetables, to make sure there's not too much lurking in the back

I think it's time to just refuse to buy any frozen food until I get through everything that's in there.  Same with the pantry.  Okay, clean out the pantry challenge.  Who's with me?  (I am saved somewhat by my weekly CSA...)


  1. I am with you. Though I have a relatively small pantry, I have too many items I've bought thinking I'd use at some point, but they still sit there, canned. So here's to a pantry/fridge decluter week! (Just need to buy some meats to supplement all these veggies and stuff.)

  2. Hi Marcia,
    Just wanted you to know that I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. I like what you are doing!


  3. i like weeks like this where we eat what we have. it is a money saver and fun to see what we can come up with.

  4. I actually have next to nothing in my freezer but I can't wait to see what you do with all of your freezer goods!
