
Sunday, January 30, 2011

My $50/week budget

So, how am I doing? Not bad really. Spouse has traveled a bit, which helps. I've been sick, which doesn't. My pantry is slowly emptying. The CSA, of course, is awesome. And the local produce market has had organic pink lady apples on sale for $0.99 to 1.39/lb (yay!!) Plus I've been getting free fruit - avos and oranges from my boss, oranges from my friend Sara, and eggs (not a fruit, I know) from my friend Kelly.

Week 1 (1/8/11 - 1/14/11): $35.84
Week 2 (1/15/11 - 1/21/11): $34.83
Week 3 (1/22/11 - 1/28/11): $34.68

I seem to be pretty consistent. So my "overflow" bucket has $45 in it so far. I'll use this when I need it.

Just goes to show that cash is king. I really do spend less when I spend cash.


  1. Wow you're doing really well Marcia, it's amazing how little you're spending!

    Since using cash I've never looked back with my budgeting.

  2. wow! i love how you are doing! i wish i could do that. with no kitchen i have been buying lots of prepared salads, water etc.... and it is too expensive. can't wait to get back on a routine.
