
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fava Leaves

So...we got fava leaves from the CSA this week. Now, every year there's always at least one "new" thing. This time...I think the CSA is trying to get a two-for-one. Give them fava beans, and hey, we can give them the leaves too, fill up the share, bonus!

Fava leaves apparently going to be the "next big thing" for foodies. At least that's what google tells me. In fact, if you google fava leaves recipes, you get exactly two recipes. One, shred for salad, two, steam.

So I decided to saute, mix with garlic, pesto, cheese, and pasta.

It was okay. The fava leaves are a bit strong-flavored. I love chard. I love kale, but these fall in the collard-green category. So if I get them again, I will steam, puree, and mix into something like pasta sauce, lasagna, or soup or rice. It was too big of a part of this meal.

FYI, check out my new blog (click the link on the top right), where I'm trying to post my meals and exercise each day. Just to be honest with myself on what I'm eating.

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