
Frugal Food

Note: I do NOT, in any way, get money, gifts, or undying thanks from any of these sites for linking them here.  These are sites that I have used to help trim my grocery bill and eat healthfully.  I think they can  help anyone.

The Grocery Shrink

Angela Coffman is simply an amazing mother of almost 6, who managed to help get her family out of debt in a few short months by using Dave Ramsey's philosophies.  Her E-book was the second frugal food resource that I purchased (the first being "The Complete Tightwad Gazette".  You can even see a video of her on the 700 Club here.

Her awesome blog is here.

Cook for Good

If memory serves, Linda Watson took on a challenge of eating healthfully on a food stamp budget.  She found that it was possible, and enjoyed it so much that she continued to do it after her challenge was over.  She has several E-books with delicious, easy, and mostly-vegetarian recipes.  Several of her recipes are in my regular rotation.

Her average meal prices per person are $1.13, but she also has "green" options if you want to eat organic.  She teaches classes on how to cook healthfully on a budget.  I have purchased every E-book she has written.

Casual Kitchen

What more can I say?   A great resource for laughably cheap recipes.  And food for thought on the food industry and the consumer products industry.

Penniless Parenting

Not a resource for recipes, but definitely a resource for inspiration on how to shop, meal plan, and how to forage.  She's also done some great calculations on where to get the best bang for your buck on grains, or meats, etc.

The Prudent Homemaker

Great information about food storage, and cooking from your pantry.  Her story on how she fed her family from her pantry is very inspiring.

Hillbilly Housewife

GREAT resource, with "emergency" menu plans for $45 and $70.  This site finally got me to drinking tea instead of soda for my caffeine addiction.

Dollar a Day Meals

This probably doesn't need any more description, does it?  Very very small grocery budget we're talking about here.