
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

New things that I've learned, and started using!

Today, I learned how to delete comments on facebook posts. 

And... I learned how to change the sharing settings to hide certain friends from seeing them.

This is much better for my mental state.  I COULD respond to the "You've got to be kidding me" with the "well, you are the POSTER CHILD for selfishness."

But you know, no. 

So, instead, I deleted the comment.

And then I changed the sharing so that she can no longer see it.

Peace out.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Recent thoughts about things

It's tomato season!  We are finally getting tomatoes as add-ons in our boxes (one of them).  So, bring on the tomato-mozzarella-basil salad. 

I miss my Sunday potlucks.  Some weeks, we'd have 3 versions of that salad.

My baby turned 8 this week!

The kids have been working out with Mike.  Today, Nick wasn't feeling the leg day.  He skipped yesterday too.  Daniel did leg day like a champ today.

Mike is feeling stronger but isn't losing weight.  "I'm eating more."  Yes, that's what you do when you lift weights.  You are supposed to.  Even the pros do that.  Eat up!

I may have PMS.  My kid and work are pissing me off today.

Our anniversary is next week, whee!  What to do.  😂
Work. Eat at Home. Maybe sunset walk on the beach?

COVID is a bummer.  Today, I read about a dude in Ohio who in April, posted how "I'm NOT buying a mask, I've managed this long without one!"  In June, on quarantine due to testing + for COVID.  July 2, having difficulty breathing.  July 4, dead.  He was 37.  What a shame, but if his death gets others to wear a mask...

I bought some kids masks (4) and adult (2) from a local place with local art.  They look great BUT the adult masks are too large for me and the teen, and naturally the kid masks are too small. So the 8yo has 4 masks and hubby has 2.  Plan B, try to look for adjustable ear loop fabric masks.

WHAT is going to happen with schools in the fall? Nobody knows.

I'm tired of takeout.

I started running again after 1.5 weeks off.  Taking it slow.  I like not having something to train for.  I've switched to long dog walks on Saturday with the hubby and/or kids.  Fun.  We are 4 months into COVID with no end in sight.  Need a new plan, clearly I can't just RUN off the stress, that was killing my Achilles.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Half way into COVID-19 summer (almost)

Yeah, I think school starts in 6 weeks?  7 weeks?  Almost half way through summer.  How are we managing?  Schedules.

Kid 1: has to exercise every day, and read.  I also want him to do some other stuff, like programming on line, writing, or projects.  But for now, he has been reading for an hour to six a day, so that's good enough.  He's doing a weight training workout with my husband 4x a week and joining the dog walks on other days.

Afternoons are for Fortnite.

Kid 2: same.  He has been mostly doing Cosmic Kids Yoga every morning, and joining me for walks in the afternoon or doing the evening dog walk. Sometimes he'll do calisthenics instead. 

For school stuff: reading every day (30 min), then another school thing every day (Dreambox, Lexia, writing, math pages) every day.  He also does legos.  Afternoon: TV or video games.

This way husband and I each get a good solid 4-6 hours of work in the afternoon, and a couple of broken hours in the morning.  We each try to interact with the kids in the morning when they are off electronics - games, snuggles, talking, whatever.

Weekly fun:
- Tuesday we have started "beach morning". In the early morning, 8:30-ish, beach is empty except for this large group of older folk walking.  I take kid #2 and we can plop down with our towel and bucket and play.  We take a bag of toys and a towel.  We play for about an hour and a half.  Husband joins us later and we swap. I leave around 10 to shower and start work, husband stays until 10:30.

- Takeout on Wednesday.

- Weekend longer dog walks.

These regularly scheduled things help break up the monotony of the work / no camp week.

Friday, July 3, 2020

The beaches are closed

The beaches are closed for 3 days due to COVID.  The idea is to keep the tourists away, as Los Angeles and Ventura have also closed their beaches.  This is why we can't have nice things.

Anyway, the bars are closed again for 3 weeks.  The restaurants are back to outdoor dining only, for at least 3 weeks.  I'm glad we went to the beach on Tuesday morning.  Staying home this weekend.

Beaches are still open for recreation - swimming, walking, running, surfing, kayaking.  Just no sitting.

Stay safe people.